Happy Diwali


"I am neither attached to righteousness nor sin, I have neither pleasure nor sorrow, I have no need for mantras, nor pilgrimage. I am consciousness and bliss. I am Shiva."



"Heute feiern wir in allen Ashrams das Fest der Lichter. Dipavali - auch Diwali genannt - ist eines der wichtigsten Feste in Indien.🇮🇳 In Sachen Vorbereitung, Vorfreude und Bedeutung ist es vergleichbar mit unserem Weihnachtsfest! An Diwali feiern die Hindus in Indien den Sieg des Guten über das Böse, des Lichts über den Schatten, der Wahrheit über die Lüge und des Lebens über den Tod. Lasst uns heute über das göttliche Licht meditieren und für die Menschheit beten. Du kannst traditionell dabei auch Kerzen anzünden!" 🥰
Mehr Infos über Diwali : https://wiki.yoga-vidya.de/Diwali


Diwali the 'Festival of Lights' is celebrated to honor Lord Ram, who returned to his family after the 14 years of exile during which he fought and won against the demon king Ravana...


"Diwali means 'Festival of Lights'. When Sri Rama vanquished his nemesis Ravana and returned to his kingdom, the people of Ayodhya lit up the entire city and the kingdom with little oil candles. At night the whole kingdom was shining like a diamond, glittering in the dark. For yogis lamp, light and flame is the symbol of anahata chakra which represents love. Sri Rama represented love. Therefore, when Rama came to Ayodhya there was not darkness, when the light of love awakens in anahata, the darkness of selfish qualities disappears. It is the selfish qualities which bring darkness into our life. Yogis have seen the event of Diwali as the opening of the heart and lighting the lamp of love, compassion and positive feelings in the heart."

Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati


"It’s NOT a Festival of lights it’s a festival of Darkness. The darkest night of the year. Perfect time to dissolve your ego in endless darkness. But for that you must be in it. Accept it. And you will feel yourself becoming Zero. That’s the purpose of this night, to realize. Importance of darkness of this night. But if you keep ignoring it keep celebrating Festival of Lights. You will lose yourself and gain nothing. It will be so meaningful if you can find some time to meditate tonight in darkness, it’s so powerful. Btw Happy Diwali."

Sri Soomit


"In India, at the end of the monsoon there is a festival of lights, diwali, That day they worship money.The goddess of money is Laxmi. Laxmi is the wife of the Hindu god, Narayana, and of course a god's wife should be the goddess of wealth. In fact one of the Indian words for god, iswar, means "one who has all the wealth of the world." His wife is the goddess of wealth. And on the night of the festival of lights they worship money.
They used to worship gold, then came silver, then came paper currency. And they went on ... the question is of worshiping money. I never participated in their worship. I simply hated the whole idea and I told them, "This is one of the ugliest things you can do. Money is something to be used, not worshipped. On the one hand your religions teach that money is nothing but dust. On the one hand it is dust, on the other hand it becomes a goddess. And you cannot see your split mind? "

Osho-from Darkness to light #3


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