Spinal Health

Integral Yoga:
Problems with the spine are often associated with a pelvic obliquity and different leg lengths. This can then also have an effect on the sacroiliac joint. If the foundation is crooked, this logically has an effect on the structure. Especially as the pelvis and the shoulder/neck area are correlated. Sooner or later, blockages often occur in both areas if the origin is not resolved early on.

We now know that the skeleton, vertebrae, muscles, vision and fascia are a whole structure that influences each other. It is often muscular tension that misaligns vertebrae, negatively affects intervertebral discs and causes tension in the deeper fasciae, which can also disrupt nerves.

Even the German health insurance companies now admit that 80% of back complaints originate in the psychosomatic area. This has been proven by numerous studies. Yogis have known this for a long time. Our body is the physical equivalent of our subtle mind.

After 10 years of teaching courses such as Yoga for a Healthy Spine, which were full of people who were sent to them by their orthopaedists and my own experience with orthopaedic accidents, I can confirm this 100%.

Therefore, in these courses (and my own sadhana after accidents) I have always worked on both levels - the physical and the subtle. Both aspects are necessary for lasting healing.

Yoga Sadhana for Spinal Health


*Shatkarma - Cleaning of the digestive or nasal system (in some cases)

*Asana - Attention, definitely not every asana is suitable for every spinal condition. Two people might need completely different asanas!

There are so many different possible solutions, that one could write a book about it.

First we correct standing and lying. These asanas are mostly good for all people, but also here can be different advices useful.

This part includes recommendation of the correct sleeping position. Many problems arise from wrong and too long sitting and people often go on sitting (side or embryo pose) even when they sleep.

Sadhana for a healthy spine includes three movements of the spine. Forward- and backward bends and sideways rotations. And also stretching of the spine in addition.

It is very important that muscles are not only stretched, but also built or strengthened. Especially the psoas and abdominal muscles, as well as muscles along the spine.

Yoga Sadhana for Spinal Health


Our body needs contraction and relaxation to stay healthy. Likewise we need to breathe in and out and give and take.

People are often stuck at one side of the coin. So we need to reestablish balance not only in the body, but also in the subtle.

* Pranayama - is a strong energetic tool to reestablish balance and dissolve blockages in our system.

Breath awareness from nose to belly
Diaphragmic breathing
Prolonged outbreath 
Yogic breathing
Anuloma Viloma
Nadi Shodan Pranayama

*Butha shuddi

Fire & air wash

*Bandha & Mudra

Mula- , uddyana - and jalandhara Bandha

Different mudras according to the pupils ability



* Pratyahara

Yoga Nidra - with anuloma viloma, spinal breathing and sankalpa


Chakra Meditation

Mantra japa - So Hum with spinal awareness


Japa - Om shanti

Kirtan - Asato ma satgamaya

* Pranic healing

Yoga Sadhana for Spinal Health

Mental & Emotional

*Chakra Awareness


In which part of my spine is my disease? Which one is the corresponding chakra or are the chakras?

Work on the chakras with colour, sound, yantra and mental and emotional related conscious awareness

For example, pelvic tilts are located in the svadhistana chakra, which deals with our love relationships, but also issues such as inner man and woman. While blockages in the thoracic spine correlate with anahatha, our heart chakra, which is about the all-encompassing love of existence and its forms.
Each chakra has an emotional or spiritual theme.

Yoga for Spinal Health

Additional Suggestions

Very often the proper sadhana over a certain duration of time can heal a lot of disease, that is related to our spine.
Nevertheless sometimes we need a chiropractitioner, an ostheopath, a real pranic or reiki healer or a true Guru, to help us out.

Chiropractic is sometimes necessary and can give us immediate release.
If our disease exists since longer the problem often is, that the surrounding is so contracted, also in the deep tissue, that the problem reoccurs.
In that case osteopathy is often the better choice.

It is in general of foremost importance, that we change the physical and mental and emotional habits, that made us sick.
From my own experience I can say, that until we implement these changes, lasting healing is not possible.
In the process of transforming illness into health, a proper yoga sadhana can be one of the greatest aids there are. Swimming in addition is very good as well.

Spinal Health

Additional Suggestions

* Affirmations

I am healthy
I am strong
I am honest
I am sincere
I am equanimous
I am peaceful
I can set proper boundaries
I am the master of my life



Ask your spine. What does your spine want to tell you with the sympthoms it shows you?


-What do you carry that is not yours?
-What is so heavy to carry?
-Where do you do things to please others, that do not please you?
-Where are you not sincere?
-Where do you bend over backwards to please others?
-Why is it difficult for you to stand by yourself?
-What is stopping you from living your own life authentically?

Asato Ma Sat Gamaya
Tamaso Ma Jyotir Gamaya
Mrityor Amritam Gamaya

Lead us from the unreal to the real, from darkness to light, from mortality to immortality.

Ravi Shankar
Sai Baba

Text MDB

Foto Petra