For You Mama

Integral Yoga:

Lessons learned

Transformation is only painful when we resist it. When we are unable or unwilling to let go of the past. When we are no longer willing to openly surrender to the here and now out of sheer pain. Rest assured that every pain makes you stronger in your soul. There is light at the end of every tunnel. He who does not know his roots in the earth can never reach heaven with his crown. Only a strong tree can provide protection and nourishment for all. The heart is broken until it is open, a wise man once said. Trust your own truth.

About Concepts

Concepts disappeared. They are useless. They can inspire us. Or help us contemplate. They can even change our minds. Depending on the concept for better or worse. Concepts can become a mighty trap for the spiritual ego, misused to undermine ones being right or wrong. They can also help us to loose attachments and prepare the ground for further development. That is why they don't have the importance the scolars, the experts of a certain concept, give them, to justify their own existence. Never get stuck in a concept or you are digging your own grave. If we want further unfoldment experience is needed. Never be afraid of experiences. Maturity and humbleness and real growth come only with experience. Weather we talk about raw life experiences or spiritual experiences. Experience is the real deal. Honour your own experience. Your own body will be the honest mirror of both, all that you have ever thought and experienced. And that is it. That is my experience. What is yours?

Unclutch from Unculture

How do we deal with this unculture, the dictatorship of opinion, or call it censorship, that has recently been seen worldwide? We now find these tyrants in all areas of human life, being together or alone. Does it help us to consider karmic aspects of the strict teacher Saturn or ancient prophecies while trying to find a solution? It is certainly helpful to recognize larger contexts in world events in order to gain distance from them. Anyone who constantly encounters rejection and blockages on the outside should not stay in front of closed doors. Also, trying to open them, blowing them shut, waiting for them to open on their own, will prove to be a pointless waste of time. Our trust in our very own path is currently being reaffirmed and strengthened at all levels. .

My Retreat

Nothing is harder than finding yourself at odds with your time and saying no out loud, a writer once said. Do we actually have to use this force? Doesn't it make more sense to make it available for inner development? Some say yes, others no. All objections are justified. For a spiritual adept like me this evil times can only mean retreat. That doesn't mean I can't say no out loud to any kind of violence, that's showing up in front of my eyes. However, this no is not a judgment. It comes from the heart. Only blocked people have no compassion. Compassion is what saves us from drowning with them. Only love can heal the world. Love is a save center. Love is peace. Love is freedom. Only love is my retreat.

The T Shirt

Long ago
You gave me a gift
For Free
I call it the T

I'm wearing you
Since 30 years
You have holes
That I will not repair

After white
Comes black
Never came back
Sky on earth

I found my master
Those days
Without time
Every-thing is right on time

My best friend
Gifted my a T Shirt
A buddhist punk you became
I bet she said

A rebel
Soul rebel
Woman of the heart
People on the path

Never forget
The truth
Will set you free
So spill your own T

Lessons learned

Never suppress or censor yourself, then you will never need to suppress or censor others.
Respect all your experiences, because their sum is your life. Learn from them, the so-called good and the bad experiences. Then you won't have to repeat the bad ones so often. And you can develop faster in the direction you are supposed to anyway.
Life is a mirror full of mercilessness and grace. It is only ever what we create with our mind. Our spirit manifests matter, which is nothing other than a slowly vibrating frequency. Again and again, human beings destroy everything that does not serve the true God, the original source, without realizing it. Simply stop playing this worldly game of creation, preservation and destruction. Be the guest that you are here. A traveler through space and time. A nobody. What a real-ease.

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